Eva Bachmann

I am a multidisciplinary artist, with photography being at the forefront of my practice.
My current work developed from looking at my mixed background whilst exploring the broader interpretations of culture and place. Borrowing from the theory of semiotics, I decode the language of mundane spaces, tracing cultural and historical references through the layers of time. By doing so, I attempt to uncover people’s collective consciousness throughout time and, with it, my sense of belonging.
In my photographic series, I often juxtapose subtle similarities of vernacular architecture. Like a patchwork from a quilt, a pattern of urban fabric emerges, creating a wider link to historical, philosophical, and anthropological transformation. By depicting certain qualities of a place, I aim to convey a multi-layered complexity of identity intertwined with language and cultural heritage.
I also work as an educator, teaching art and photography in Further Education and community institutions.
